Fashion Show 2016

Yarntons Fashion Show

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A big THANK YOU! to everyone 
who supported the event.

Once again this annual sell out event was a fun filled evening of entertainment.
Held in the Birkenhead store, the shop is for one night only transformed into a catwalk to support a worthy cause.

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This year we supported RAW, Reclaim Another Woman.
RAW was founded in February 2013 by Annah Stretton to make a real change through education for the socially disadvantaged demographic in New Zealand. 

Check out their website for more information on the great work they do.

Annah Stretton and the lovely ladies from RAW with Bruce Yarnton.

"What an incredible connection was made by myself and the women of RAW
when we were invited to speak to  at the Yarntons fashion show in Birkenhead  ..
It was incredibly humbling to be the recipient of such a generous donation,
 that was collected on the night .. To all of the women and men that participated ..
in giving so generously  to RAW.. 
 Thank you...know that you are ensuring that women that have been traditionally invisible given the stain of incarceration are being successfully reintegrated back into main steam to live functional,  legal and contributing lives for themselves's and their children .."  -Annah Stretton 

Photography by David Hayes.
Yarntons Annual Charity Fashion Show, Proudly Supporting RAW 
by David Hayes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.